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May 24, 2021 6:51 pm

@wildflowerfiend has been working on a kick flip for about 3 years. In that time she’s figured out a bunch of other tricks, but the mighty kick flip has eluded her. It’s a standard trick. It’s one that many dudes (and they’re always dudes) ask if she can do as they size her up. Not being able to figure out a kick flip has haunted Maddie for 3 years. More times than I can count she’s been out back trying and failing to land this. More times than I care to admit, I’ve rolled my eyes at her frustrated outbursts. And while I’m fessing up— I’m ashamed that I tend to focus my praise on bikey or academic accomplishments. But skateboarding is Maddie’s thing. As I watch this video — and ponder her pending move across the state for college and into her own life— I think about how her focus to landing the kick flip never wavered, and I’m proud of her for that and what that focus portends for whatever the hell it is she decides to focus on as she finds her way through life. Well done maddie! 💪❤️